In silico and In vitro Evaluation of Anti-Urolithiatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Syzygium cumini Stem Bark
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Urolithiasis is a series of several physicochemical event which includes aggregation, nucleation, growth, supersaturation and retention within the kidneys and it is a complex process. The aim of the present study was to investigate the In silico and In vitro anti-urolithiatic activity of ethanolic extract of Stzygium cumini stem bark. The objective of the present study was to predict the phytoconstituents possibly present in the extract by literature survey, to systematically perform In silco molecular docking studies and to perform Invitro anti urolithiatic activities by Titrimetry, Spectrophotometry and nucleation assay. The protein structure and ligand structures were collected from online databases and the docking studies were performed using HEX8.0 software. The calcium oxalate stones were prepared using homogeneous precipitation technique and the assays were performed using cystone as standard and comparing the results with that of the extract. The Results obtained from the docking studies showed satisfying energy binding values. The results obtained from titrimetric analysis (based on the amount of CaO stones present) for control (0.00087), Standard (0.00526) and extract (0.00067) showed effective results. Similarly, the Spectrometric studies to analyze the amount of CaO present also showed to a peak in between the standard and the control. There were less crystals observed in the extract containing sample compared to that of control in Aggregation assay. Obtained results showed to prove that the Ethanolic extract of Syzygium cumini has a potential urolithiatic activity.
Ethanolic Extract, In silico, In vitro, Syzygium cumini, Urolithiatic Activity.
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