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Impact of Thyroidectomy in BMI and Some Biochemical Markers related with Bone Turnover in Hypothyroidism Women

1 College of Nursing, University of Babylon, Iraq
2 College of Science, University of Babylon, Iraq

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In common, thyroid hormones (TH) have intense effect on bone strength and mineral metabolism. The aims of this study was To investigate the impact of body mass index (BMI) in some physio-biochemical tests related with bone metabolism. This study included 51 hypothyroidism women and 43 healthy women divided according to BMI (normal, overweight and obese) groups and hypothyroidism patients were subdivided into: first diagnosed, prethyroidectomy and postthyroidectomy, the physio-biochemical assay included (BMI, CYP1A1, calcium and phosphorus) and hormonal assay (osteopontin (OPN), TSH, fT3, fT4 and calcitonin (CT)). The results showed that there was a significantly increased (P≤ 0.05) in TSH level and significantly decreased (P≤ 0.05) in fT4 and OPN levels in post thyroidectomy groups when compared to pre thyroidectomy groups for different BMI categories. As well as there was a significantly increase (P≤0.05) in BMI and significantly decrease(P≤0.05) in TSH and fT4 levels at duration after thyroidectomy > 1 year when compared to duration after thyroidectomy ≤ 1 year. There was higher levels of TSH and lower levels of fT3, fT4, OPN, CYP1A1 and calcium in hypothyroidism women when compared to control group. First diagnosed hypothyroidism women showed a significantly decrease(P≤ 0.05) in OPN level when compared to pre thyroidectomy and post thyroidectomy groups. Conclusion: Total thyroidectomy can cause a significant increase in BMI and significant decrease in thyroid hormones, OPN and calcium levels in hypothyroid women.


Thyroidectomy, Thyroid Hormones, OPN, Cyp4501A1, Calcitonin, Calcium, Phosphorus.
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  • Impact of Thyroidectomy in BMI and Some Biochemical Markers related with Bone Turnover in Hypothyroidism Women

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Batool Ibrahim Hussain
College of Nursing, University of Babylon, Iraq
Hussein Jasim AL-Harbi
College of Science, University of Babylon, Iraq
Maysaa Adil
College of Science, University of Babylon, Iraq


In common, thyroid hormones (TH) have intense effect on bone strength and mineral metabolism. The aims of this study was To investigate the impact of body mass index (BMI) in some physio-biochemical tests related with bone metabolism. This study included 51 hypothyroidism women and 43 healthy women divided according to BMI (normal, overweight and obese) groups and hypothyroidism patients were subdivided into: first diagnosed, prethyroidectomy and postthyroidectomy, the physio-biochemical assay included (BMI, CYP1A1, calcium and phosphorus) and hormonal assay (osteopontin (OPN), TSH, fT3, fT4 and calcitonin (CT)). The results showed that there was a significantly increased (P≤ 0.05) in TSH level and significantly decreased (P≤ 0.05) in fT4 and OPN levels in post thyroidectomy groups when compared to pre thyroidectomy groups for different BMI categories. As well as there was a significantly increase (P≤0.05) in BMI and significantly decrease(P≤0.05) in TSH and fT4 levels at duration after thyroidectomy > 1 year when compared to duration after thyroidectomy ≤ 1 year. There was higher levels of TSH and lower levels of fT3, fT4, OPN, CYP1A1 and calcium in hypothyroidism women when compared to control group. First diagnosed hypothyroidism women showed a significantly decrease(P≤ 0.05) in OPN level when compared to pre thyroidectomy and post thyroidectomy groups. Conclusion: Total thyroidectomy can cause a significant increase in BMI and significant decrease in thyroid hormones, OPN and calcium levels in hypothyroid women.


Thyroidectomy, Thyroid Hormones, OPN, Cyp4501A1, Calcitonin, Calcium, Phosphorus.
