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A Pilot Study on Evaluation of Standardized Ayurveda formulation Ashwagandhadi lehya as Aphrodisiac and in Treatment of Oligospermia

1 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Department, Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Charusat, At and Post – Changa, Dist. Anand, Gujarat, 388421, India
2 J.S. Ayurveda College, College Road, Nadiad, Gujarat, 387001, India

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Ashwagandhadi lehya is traditionally used as aphrodisiac and spermatogenic. It is official in Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Root powder of Withania sominfera is incorporated as one of major ingredients in the formulation. The studies were aimed to evaluate Ashwagandhadi lehya, Clincially, as aphrodisiac and in treatment of Oligospermia. The duration of studies was 90 days and patients showed willingness to participate in studies were asked to submit blood and serum samples on 0, 45th and 90th day. Alteration in serum FSH, serum LH, serum testosterone as well as alteration in sperm concentration, % of normal sperms and % motile sperms in semen samples were selected as evaluation parameters to assess role of Ashwagandhadi lehya in treatment of oligospermia. Aphrodisiac potential of the formulation was evaluated by recording the responses of patients in a questioner, prepared on the basis of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF- 5), included their experience in sexual desire, erection, penile rigidity, ejaculation and orgasm before and after treatment. The results showed that mean serum concentration of testosterone was increased by 8.31 % after 45 days of treatment and 16.53 % after 90 days of treatment, without concurrent alteration in serum FSH and serum LH concentration. Semen analysis showed that, after 90 days of treatment, mean sperm concentration in semen was increased by 200%, while % of normal sperms and % motile sperms were found to be increased by 11% and 59 %, respectively. The results of the studies showed, statistically significant improvement in sexual arousal, penile rigidity, orgasm and ejaculation, after treatment. As, testosterone concentration was increased in absence of increased LH release, it was concluded that formulation might act directly on testis and stimulated the expression of the proteins responsible for testosterone synthesis. It was also proposed that, increased in serum testosterone level might be responsible for aphrodisiac potential of Ashwagndhadi Lehya.


Ashwagandhadi lehya, Vajikaran, Oligospermia, Spermatogenic, Aphrodisiac, Withania somifera.
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  • A Pilot Study on Evaluation of Standardized Ayurveda formulation Ashwagandhadi lehya as Aphrodisiac and in Treatment of Oligospermia

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Manan Raval
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Department, Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Charusat, At and Post – Changa, Dist. Anand, Gujarat, 388421, India
Manish Patel
J.S. Ayurveda College, College Road, Nadiad, Gujarat, 387001, India
Kanan Gamit
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Department, Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Charusat, At and Post – Changa, Dist. Anand, Gujarat, 388421, India
Kalapi Patel
J.S. Ayurveda College, College Road, Nadiad, Gujarat, 387001, India
S. N. Gupta
J.S. Ayurveda College, College Road, Nadiad, Gujarat, 387001, India


Ashwagandhadi lehya is traditionally used as aphrodisiac and spermatogenic. It is official in Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Root powder of Withania sominfera is incorporated as one of major ingredients in the formulation. The studies were aimed to evaluate Ashwagandhadi lehya, Clincially, as aphrodisiac and in treatment of Oligospermia. The duration of studies was 90 days and patients showed willingness to participate in studies were asked to submit blood and serum samples on 0, 45th and 90th day. Alteration in serum FSH, serum LH, serum testosterone as well as alteration in sperm concentration, % of normal sperms and % motile sperms in semen samples were selected as evaluation parameters to assess role of Ashwagandhadi lehya in treatment of oligospermia. Aphrodisiac potential of the formulation was evaluated by recording the responses of patients in a questioner, prepared on the basis of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF- 5), included their experience in sexual desire, erection, penile rigidity, ejaculation and orgasm before and after treatment. The results showed that mean serum concentration of testosterone was increased by 8.31 % after 45 days of treatment and 16.53 % after 90 days of treatment, without concurrent alteration in serum FSH and serum LH concentration. Semen analysis showed that, after 90 days of treatment, mean sperm concentration in semen was increased by 200%, while % of normal sperms and % motile sperms were found to be increased by 11% and 59 %, respectively. The results of the studies showed, statistically significant improvement in sexual arousal, penile rigidity, orgasm and ejaculation, after treatment. As, testosterone concentration was increased in absence of increased LH release, it was concluded that formulation might act directly on testis and stimulated the expression of the proteins responsible for testosterone synthesis. It was also proposed that, increased in serum testosterone level might be responsible for aphrodisiac potential of Ashwagndhadi Lehya.


Ashwagandhadi lehya, Vajikaran, Oligospermia, Spermatogenic, Aphrodisiac, Withania somifera.
