Application of Ultrasound Assisted Extraction on Ripe Banana Peels (Musa Balbisiana Colla) and Its Potential as an Antioxidant and Antigout Agent
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The utilization of stone bananas is still very minimal, especially banana peels which will only end up as waste. Despite the fact that stone bananas are a fruit high in metabolites, they have numerous health benefits.The banana peels (Musa balbisiana Colla) was extracted with ultrasound-assisted extraction to determine the content of secondary metabolites, total fernol, antioxidant capacity using the DPPH and FRAP methods, as well as the potential for antigout activity in the extract. Ultrasound-assisted extraction is a less expensive, simpler, and more reliable alternative to traditional extraction methods. Musa balbisiana Colla banana peel extract contains alkaloids, saponins, tannins, steroid glycosides and phenols as secondary metabolites. The results obtained from determining the total phenol content was 397.50±0.41 GAE/g sample. Then the results of testing for free radical scavenging activity with the DPPH and FRAP methods showed IC50 values of 143.97±0.17mg/L and 151.08± 0.32mg/L, respectively. Meanwhile the antigout activity was obtained 27.95±0.08% which was greater than Alupurinol, so that Musa balbisiana Colla banana peel has the potential as an alternative compound to reduce uric acid levels.
Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction, Banana Peels, Total Phenol, Antioxidant, Anti-gout.
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