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Differentiation Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Extract from Various Plants with FTIR-chemometric Method

1 Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung- Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java,, Indonesia
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung- Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java,, Indonesia

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Background: Roselle prospectively can be developed as herbal medicine raw materials. The high amount availability of roselle raw material sources leads to diverse roselle extract quality therefore a particular method is required to differentiate roselle extracts. FTIR-chemometric is a method that is used to evaluate plant quality by processing chemical data information through mathematically and statistically calculations. Aim: The purpose of this study is to obtain data differentiation from all of the roselle extract obtained from various regions, identify from which region roselle extract has similar group with roselle standard extract, and identify the relation between roselle extracts quality with soil examination parameter. Materials and Method: Roselle simplisia collections were obtained from 12 regions which were Parangtritis, Nganjuk, Kediri, Ponorogo, Blitar, Bogor, Tulungagung, Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi, Cileunyi, dan Malang. The extraction method used was using maceration with 70% ethanol. FTIR-chemometric was utilized to analyze. Results: Based on the results showed that FTIR-chemometric method can be used to differentiate roselle extract from several locations, roselle extract obtained from Tulungagung, Boyolali, and Sukabumi were in similar group with roselle extract standard, and roselle extract obtained from Tulungagung, Boyolali, and Sukabumi had similar soil examination parameter which were Phosphorus and Magnesium.


Roselle, FTIR-chemometric, Soil parameter.
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  • Differentiation Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Extract from Various Plants with FTIR-chemometric Method

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Mareetha Zahra S.
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung- Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java,, Indonesia
Yasmiwar Susilawati
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung- Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java,, Indonesia
Ida Musfiroh
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung- Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java,, Indonesia


Background: Roselle prospectively can be developed as herbal medicine raw materials. The high amount availability of roselle raw material sources leads to diverse roselle extract quality therefore a particular method is required to differentiate roselle extracts. FTIR-chemometric is a method that is used to evaluate plant quality by processing chemical data information through mathematically and statistically calculations. Aim: The purpose of this study is to obtain data differentiation from all of the roselle extract obtained from various regions, identify from which region roselle extract has similar group with roselle standard extract, and identify the relation between roselle extracts quality with soil examination parameter. Materials and Method: Roselle simplisia collections were obtained from 12 regions which were Parangtritis, Nganjuk, Kediri, Ponorogo, Blitar, Bogor, Tulungagung, Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi, Cileunyi, dan Malang. The extraction method used was using maceration with 70% ethanol. FTIR-chemometric was utilized to analyze. Results: Based on the results showed that FTIR-chemometric method can be used to differentiate roselle extract from several locations, roselle extract obtained from Tulungagung, Boyolali, and Sukabumi were in similar group with roselle extract standard, and roselle extract obtained from Tulungagung, Boyolali, and Sukabumi had similar soil examination parameter which were Phosphorus and Magnesium.


Roselle, FTIR-chemometric, Soil parameter.
