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On the Complete Faithfulness of the P-Free Quotient Modules of Dual Selmer Groups

1 School of Mathematics and Statistics & Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079, China

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In this paper, we consider the question of the complete faithfulness of the p-free quotient module of the dual Selmer groups of elliptic curves defined over a noncommutative p-adic Lie extension. Our question will refine previous questions on the complete faithfulness of dual Selmer groups. We also consider the question of the triviality of the central torsion submodules of these Iwasawa modules and we see that this latter question is intimately related to the former. We will also formulate and study analogous questions for the dual Selmer groups of Hida deformations. We then give positive answer to our questions, and establish “control theorem” results between the questions.
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  • On the Complete Faithfulness of the P-Free Quotient Modules of Dual Selmer Groups

Abstract Views: 244  |  PDF Views: 1


Meng Fai Lim
School of Mathematics and Statistics & Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079, China


In this paper, we consider the question of the complete faithfulness of the p-free quotient module of the dual Selmer groups of elliptic curves defined over a noncommutative p-adic Lie extension. Our question will refine previous questions on the complete faithfulness of dual Selmer groups. We also consider the question of the triviality of the central torsion submodules of these Iwasawa modules and we see that this latter question is intimately related to the former. We will also formulate and study analogous questions for the dual Selmer groups of Hida deformations. We then give positive answer to our questions, and establish “control theorem” results between the questions.