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New Infinite Families of Congruences Modulo 3, 5 and 7 For Overpartition Function

1 Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 791 112, Arunachal Pradesh, India

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Let ¯p(n) denote the number of overpartitions of a non-negative integer n. In this paper, we prove two new infinite families of congruences modulo 3 for ¯p(n) by using Ramanujan’s theta-function identities. Particularly, we prove that, for any integer α ≥ 0, ¯p(9α+1(24n + 23)) ≡ 0 (mod 3) and ¯p(9α+1(24n + 22) + 1) ≡ 0 (mod 3). Furthermore, we prove some new congruences modulo 5 and 7 for ¯p(n). For example, we prove that ¯p(5n+k+3) ≡ 0 (mod 5), where k = 3n2 ± n.
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  • New Infinite Families of Congruences Modulo 3, 5 and 7 For Overpartition Function

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Jubaraj Chetry
Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 791 112, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Nipen Saikia
Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 791 112, Arunachal Pradesh, India


Let ¯p(n) denote the number of overpartitions of a non-negative integer n. In this paper, we prove two new infinite families of congruences modulo 3 for ¯p(n) by using Ramanujan’s theta-function identities. Particularly, we prove that, for any integer α ≥ 0, ¯p(9α+1(24n + 23)) ≡ 0 (mod 3) and ¯p(9α+1(24n + 22) + 1) ≡ 0 (mod 3). Furthermore, we prove some new congruences modulo 5 and 7 for ¯p(n). For example, we prove that ¯p(5n+k+3) ≡ 0 (mod 5), where k = 3n2 ± n.
