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A Review of Inconsistencies in the Organizational Justice and Employee Performance Relationship: Can Organizational Identification Bridge the Gap?

1 Department of PM&IR, Utkal University & Lecturer, Xavier School of Human Resource Management, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Harirajpur 752050, India
2 Department of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751004, India

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Research has positively linked organizational justice to employee performance. However, literature review reveals that the findings in this area have been inconsistent. While some studies have found strong relationship between justice-performance, others have found none. There is no consensus amongst researchers on which justice dimension is the strongest predictor of employee performance. This has led researchers to believe that there is a scope to further investigate the linking mechanism between the two constructs by exploring moderators and mediators that influence it. This paper reviews the literature on justice-performance relationship to highlight the inconsistencies present, thereby, opening up a research gap. It also highlights the commonly used moderators and mediators in the context of justice-performance relationship. The paper concludes by positing Organizational Identification (OID) as a potential influencer in this context and developing a research model for future empirical testing.


Employee Performance, Mediator, Moderator, Organizational Identification, Organizational Justice.
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  • A Review of Inconsistencies in the Organizational Justice and Employee Performance Relationship: Can Organizational Identification Bridge the Gap?

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Subhra Pattnaik
Department of PM&IR, Utkal University & Lecturer, Xavier School of Human Resource Management, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, Harirajpur 752050, India
Santosh Kumar Tripathy
Department of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751004, India


Research has positively linked organizational justice to employee performance. However, literature review reveals that the findings in this area have been inconsistent. While some studies have found strong relationship between justice-performance, others have found none. There is no consensus amongst researchers on which justice dimension is the strongest predictor of employee performance. This has led researchers to believe that there is a scope to further investigate the linking mechanism between the two constructs by exploring moderators and mediators that influence it. This paper reviews the literature on justice-performance relationship to highlight the inconsistencies present, thereby, opening up a research gap. It also highlights the commonly used moderators and mediators in the context of justice-performance relationship. The paper concludes by positing Organizational Identification (OID) as a potential influencer in this context and developing a research model for future empirical testing.


Employee Performance, Mediator, Moderator, Organizational Identification, Organizational Justice.
