Safety Evaluation of Nimovet® in Poultry Birds
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Nimesulide, a NSAID causes toxicity to poultry birds and indirectly to human through residue present in poultry meat. Birds of control and treated group (Gr-C, Gr-50, Gr-100 and Gr-200) received 10% ethanol, 50, 100 and 200 ppm Nimesulide (Nimovet®) in drinking water up to 42 days, respectively. Statistical analysis done by ANOVA and LSD by Turkey's test. No mortality was observed in treated groups. There was progressive and a significant reduction in feed and water intake in birds of Gr-200 at day 21, 28 and 42 as compared to control birds. The % body weight gain was significantly reduced in Gr-50&Gr-100 at 21 day and Gr-200 from 14 to 42 day interval. Urea level was significantly increased in birds of Gr-50 &100 by 1.5 fold and Gr-200 by 2 fold as compared to the birds of Gr-C. The serum ALT, AST and ALP activity was significantly increased in the birds of Gr-200 as compared to birds of Gr-C. Histo-pathological alterations were observed in heart, liver, lungs and kidney leaving brain, intestine, thymus, spleen and bursa intact in the birds of Gr-200 at 42 day interval. Cumulative administration of Nimesulide (Nimovet®) in poultry birds is (i) safe up to 100 ppm for 6 week period and (ii) unsafe with organic toxicity at 200 ppm. In consideration of the present findings it could be predicted that Nimesulide (Nimovet®) at higher dose could cause toxicity to poultry birds itself and ultimate consumers including scavenger birds and animals.
Nimesulide, Poultry Birds, Toxicity, Safety Evaluation.
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