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Study of Existing Risk Management Models and Prior Research Contribution

1 Dept. of Computer Science, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
2 Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India

Different software projects development methodologies exist in current era, however, selecting the methodology that most closely fits a computer code depends on many factors. One necessary issue is the extents of how much risky the project is. Another issue is that the degree to that every methodology supports risk management. Indeed, the literature is wealthy in such studies that aim at scrutiny the presently out there computer code development method models from totally different views. In distinction, very little effort has been spent in purpose of scrutiny the out there method models in terms of its support to risk management. During the discussion, we tend to investigate the state of risk and risk management within the most well-liked computer code development method models (i.e. waterfall, vmodel, progressive development, spiral, and agile development). This trend in such studies is anticipated to serve in many aspects. Technically, it helps project managers adopt the methodology that most accurately fits their projects. From another facet, it'll build the simplest way for additional studies that aim at up the computer code development method.


Component, Software Engineering, Risk Management.
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  • Study of Existing Risk Management Models and Prior Research Contribution

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L. Manjunath Rao
Dept. of Computer Science, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Salma Firdose
Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India


Different software projects development methodologies exist in current era, however, selecting the methodology that most closely fits a computer code depends on many factors. One necessary issue is the extents of how much risky the project is. Another issue is that the degree to that every methodology supports risk management. Indeed, the literature is wealthy in such studies that aim at scrutiny the presently out there computer code development method models from totally different views. In distinction, very little effort has been spent in purpose of scrutiny the out there method models in terms of its support to risk management. During the discussion, we tend to investigate the state of risk and risk management within the most well-liked computer code development method models (i.e. waterfall, vmodel, progressive development, spiral, and agile development). This trend in such studies is anticipated to serve in many aspects. Technically, it helps project managers adopt the methodology that most accurately fits their projects. From another facet, it'll build the simplest way for additional studies that aim at up the computer code development method.


Component, Software Engineering, Risk Management.
