Cervical cancer is the leading-caused cancer death in women worldwide, especially occurring in the developing countries. The understanding of the incidence, mortality, and their relationship with the Human Development Index (HDI) and its three dimensions, including gross national income per capita, education index, and life expectancy, is crucial to establish the best way to prevent the increasing of cervical cancer in future. The data of the incidence (-ASR), mortality (-ASR), HDI were extracted from the GLOBOCAN and Human Development Reports database. Person Correlation Coefficient was applied to characterize the relationship among them. The incidence and mortality of Cervical Cancer in Southeast Asia (total new cases: 62,456 cases, counting for 19, 81%; new death cases: 35,738, counting for 21.22%), ranked in the top three of Asian regions. There was the negative correlation between the incidence-ASR, mortality-ASR with HDI, and its three dimensions. A significant correlation between the mortality-ASR rate of cervical cancer and Life expectancy at birth was recorded. The cancer of cervix gravitates to Asian region, including Southeast Asian countries. There was a significant relationship between the mortality-ASR rate of cervical cancer and Life expectancy at birth.
Cervical Cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Southeast Asia.
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