Knowledge, Attitude, Practices (KAP) of Metabolic Disorders in South Indian Population
Objective: The main objective of the present study was to perform the knowledge, attitude and perception of metabolic disorders (Hypothyroidism and Type II DM) in South Indian population. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the city of Vijayawada, South India to assess the KAP of the individuals towards the common conditions of Hypothyroidism and Type II DM using standard questionnaire and procedure. Results: A total of 980 houses were screened in a span of 1 year, resulting in 187 people living with thyroid disorders and 735 with Diabetes Mellitus. After passing through the selection criteria, we are left with 130 of Hypothyroid (H) and 456 of T2DM alone patients. Out of whom 55 were lost during follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 16 version by using Chi-square test. Conclusion: Knowledge and perception of the individuals regarding the T2DM was found to be good compared to the Hypothyroidism. However, practicing them in their daily life is often found missing due to the rapid urbanization and less awareness created by counseling.
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