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A Case Study of First Generation Women Entrepreneur from Unorganised

1 Dept. of Commerce, MLA First Grade College for Women, Bangalore, India

The Author met Mrs. ASHWINI NAYAK, an entrepreneur from unorganized sector, in an International Conference and had an informal interaction with her. Discussion with the entrepreneur inspired the author that Mrs. Ashwini Nayak story can be a source of inspiration for many budding entrepreneurs. Therefore, selected the same for the study, where an effort is made to cram the real life experience of Mrs. Ashwini Nayak and how her personality reflects on the society.

'Empowering the women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation; when women are empowered, society with stability is assured. Empowerment of women is essential as their thoughts and their value systems lead to the development of a good family, good society and ultimately a good nation'

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  • A Case Study of First Generation Women Entrepreneur from Unorganised

Abstract Views: 637  |  PDF Views: 284


N. Usha Devi
Dept. of Commerce, MLA First Grade College for Women, Bangalore, India


The Author met Mrs. ASHWINI NAYAK, an entrepreneur from unorganized sector, in an International Conference and had an informal interaction with her. Discussion with the entrepreneur inspired the author that Mrs. Ashwini Nayak story can be a source of inspiration for many budding entrepreneurs. Therefore, selected the same for the study, where an effort is made to cram the real life experience of Mrs. Ashwini Nayak and how her personality reflects on the society.

'Empowering the women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation; when women are empowered, society with stability is assured. Empowerment of women is essential as their thoughts and their value systems lead to the development of a good family, good society and ultimately a good nation'