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A Contemporary View on Employee Training and Development that Plays a Strategic Role in Organisational Performance at a Service-Based Firm

1 Sharda University, Uzbekistan

The employee training and development on the organizational effectiveness is investigated. The study establishes the association among training and development and organizational efficiency to highlight the advantages of training and development at service based firm; and to measure the effect of training and development in organizational efficiency. The data is collected by a structured questionnaire was distributed to the employees in the service based firm and the sample size (N=100) is collected. The research concluded that increasing job satisfaction and reducing the turnover of employees benefit training and development. The study’s result may be helpful in implementing successful workforce development programs that foster cherished ideals of the company. Due to time constraint it was not possible to interact with employees in detail. The answers given by the respondents may be biased due to the disinterest on their part.


Employee Training and Development, Organizational Effectiveness, Organizational Performance, Organizational Sustainability, Etc.
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  • A Contemporary View on Employee Training and Development that Plays a Strategic Role in Organisational Performance at a Service-Based Firm

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K. Sankar Ganesh
Sharda University, Uzbekistan


The employee training and development on the organizational effectiveness is investigated. The study establishes the association among training and development and organizational efficiency to highlight the advantages of training and development at service based firm; and to measure the effect of training and development in organizational efficiency. The data is collected by a structured questionnaire was distributed to the employees in the service based firm and the sample size (N=100) is collected. The research concluded that increasing job satisfaction and reducing the turnover of employees benefit training and development. The study’s result may be helpful in implementing successful workforce development programs that foster cherished ideals of the company. Due to time constraint it was not possible to interact with employees in detail. The answers given by the respondents may be biased due to the disinterest on their part.


Employee Training and Development, Organizational Effectiveness, Organizational Performance, Organizational Sustainability, Etc.
