Assessment of Determinants Affecting Student’s Entrepreneur Career Intention to Search a Startup Opportunity in Africa
From last many generations unemployment velocity has been mounting in Ethiopia. So, this research aims to evaluate the determinants of Students’ Entrepreneurial Career Intentions of university students of Ethiopia as a solution. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design and simple random sampling was adopted. Data was collected from the sample of 350 university students. In descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation and in inferential statics correlation and regression analysis was use. To analyze the data SPSS version 20 was used. The results show, entrepreneurial intentions of students are influenced directly by the students’ entrepreneurship education, innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking and self-efficacy as correlation coefficient for all is having strong positive relation and with p-value is more than 0.05. It can be concluded from the regression analysis that innovativeness is the most contributing factor among all others explored variables. The findings suggest for ministry of higher education and universities to emphasize more on entrepreneurship education in developing personal skills, attributes and behavioral aspects to realize the full potentials of students with regards to entrepreneurial intention.
Entrepreneurial Intentions, Behavior, Traits, Demographics, Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Intention.
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