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Longitudinal Analysis of Investment Pattern: A Study of Alankit Limited Clients

1 School of Management, ITS, Ghaziabad, India

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This study is based on two dimensions of investment pattern of clients of a broking industry representative and e governance service providing finance company Alankit Limited. The study focuses on how investment pattern of the individual investor's changes with time and variables of age, income and occupation. Quantitative analysis was applied both from retrospective and prospective angle. As investment pattern changes with time data was collected for different time period from the company database and through survey. Hypothesis testing was used to assess the significance of relationship or dependency of variables. The results obtained clearly depict the dependence of various factors on investment choices. As financial year changed investment patterns changed with the level of return that the product offered, options to invest in product, investment risk and other factors. Some demographic factors were found to have significant relationship with investment pattern. It was revealed that choice of investment product largely depends on the product, its return and its performance. Mutual fund was found to be the most preferred product form of investment. Choices also depend on age of the investors; their income and occupation. Understanding the pattern would serve both the company and investors as it creates impression of their choices and success or failure. The temporal study holds relevance both for investors who are already investing and for individuals planning to invest in financial products.


investor choice, investment risk, returns, financial products, broking industry.
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  • Longitudinal Analysis of Investment Pattern: A Study of Alankit Limited Clients

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Indranli Mondal
School of Management, ITS, Ghaziabad, India
Rajeev Johari
School of Management, ITS, Ghaziabad, India


This study is based on two dimensions of investment pattern of clients of a broking industry representative and e governance service providing finance company Alankit Limited. The study focuses on how investment pattern of the individual investor's changes with time and variables of age, income and occupation. Quantitative analysis was applied both from retrospective and prospective angle. As investment pattern changes with time data was collected for different time period from the company database and through survey. Hypothesis testing was used to assess the significance of relationship or dependency of variables. The results obtained clearly depict the dependence of various factors on investment choices. As financial year changed investment patterns changed with the level of return that the product offered, options to invest in product, investment risk and other factors. Some demographic factors were found to have significant relationship with investment pattern. It was revealed that choice of investment product largely depends on the product, its return and its performance. Mutual fund was found to be the most preferred product form of investment. Choices also depend on age of the investors; their income and occupation. Understanding the pattern would serve both the company and investors as it creates impression of their choices and success or failure. The temporal study holds relevance both for investors who are already investing and for individuals planning to invest in financial products.


investor choice, investment risk, returns, financial products, broking industry.
