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Poultry Farming:Suitable Intervention for Livelihood Support and Nutritional Security of Marginal/Small Farmers of N-E Karnataka

1 Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (Karnataka), India

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Backyard poultry farming is a social phenomenon rather than an economic proposition. It is popular among the communities who have no inhibition against keeping birds, eating eggs produced and the meat. Keeping the importance of backyard poultry system in rural areas the present study was undertaken to compare free range/backyard poultry rearing practices with battery cage rearing in Main Agricultural Research Station (MARS), Raichur of N-E Karnataka during 2012-13 and 2013-14 to examine productivity, economic structure, employment generation, nutritional value addition and resource recycling.


Backyard (Free Range) Poultry Rearing, Battery Cage Rearing, Marginal/Small Farmers, Productivity, Economics, Employment, Livelihood/Nutritional Security.
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  • Poultry Farming:Suitable Intervention for Livelihood Support and Nutritional Security of Marginal/Small Farmers of N-E Karnataka

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S. N. Vinodakumar
Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (Karnataka), India
B. K. Desai
Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (Karnataka), India


Backyard poultry farming is a social phenomenon rather than an economic proposition. It is popular among the communities who have no inhibition against keeping birds, eating eggs produced and the meat. Keeping the importance of backyard poultry system in rural areas the present study was undertaken to compare free range/backyard poultry rearing practices with battery cage rearing in Main Agricultural Research Station (MARS), Raichur of N-E Karnataka during 2012-13 and 2013-14 to examine productivity, economic structure, employment generation, nutritional value addition and resource recycling.


Backyard (Free Range) Poultry Rearing, Battery Cage Rearing, Marginal/Small Farmers, Productivity, Economics, Employment, Livelihood/Nutritional Security.
