In Vitro Regeneration of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cv. Perlette
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Factors like slow and seasonal multiplication and infection with pathogens have constrained the use of conventional plant propagation methods, thus lead to development of new and novel methods of propagation like in vitro multiplication which ensures the production of virus and disease free elite planting material in large numbers. In the present work, in vitro regeneration protocol has been standardized for grape cv. Perlette which is conventionally propagated through hardwood cuttings. The highest explant establishment (86.66%) and lowest days (12.00) for explants establishment were obtained in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l BAP and 1.0 mg/l kinetin. Best shoot proliferation (3.33 shoots/ culture) was obtained in MS medium fortified with 1.0 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l kinetin. The media constituting MS + 1.0 mg/l NAA was best for ischolar_maining of in vitro raised shoots, yielding 73.33 per cent ischolar_maining with an average ischolar_main length of 4.43 cm. The most suitable potting media for in vitro raised plantlet hardening of grape cv. Perlette constituted sand (1part) soil (1part) FYM (1part) vermiculture (1part) which resulted in 73.33 per cent plantlet survival.
Grape, in Vitro Regeneration, Tissue Culture, Vitis vinifera L., Perlette
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