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Consumer Awareness and Opinion Regarding UV Protective and Antibacterial Finished Cotton Fabrics

1 Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India
2 Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar (Haryana), India

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The present study was conducted in Hisar city to assess the consumer'ss preferences as well as awareness about the cotton fabrics and their opinion regarding the developed UV protective and antibacterial finished fabrics. Thirty married females in the age group of 30-45 were purposively selected. The data revealed that consumers highly preferred cotton fabric for summer wear due to its comfort properties. Majority of the respondents (93.30%) were aware of 'wrinkle resistant' finish applied on cotton fabrics, followed by 'antiodor finish (13.3%), antibacterial finish (6.6%) whereas none of the respondents was aware about the 'UV protective' finish. Consumers' preferences regarding the developed finished fabrics showed acceptance of its use for apparel purpose being finished with UV protective and antibacterial finish.


Antibacterial Finish, Consumer, Cotton, UV Protective Finish, Syzygium cumini (L.).
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  • Consumer Awareness and Opinion Regarding UV Protective and Antibacterial Finished Cotton Fabrics

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Vandana Gupta
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India
Neha Gupta
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar (Haryana), India
Nirmal Yadav
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India


The present study was conducted in Hisar city to assess the consumer'ss preferences as well as awareness about the cotton fabrics and their opinion regarding the developed UV protective and antibacterial finished fabrics. Thirty married females in the age group of 30-45 were purposively selected. The data revealed that consumers highly preferred cotton fabric for summer wear due to its comfort properties. Majority of the respondents (93.30%) were aware of 'wrinkle resistant' finish applied on cotton fabrics, followed by 'antiodor finish (13.3%), antibacterial finish (6.6%) whereas none of the respondents was aware about the 'UV protective' finish. Consumers' preferences regarding the developed finished fabrics showed acceptance of its use for apparel purpose being finished with UV protective and antibacterial finish.


Antibacterial Finish, Consumer, Cotton, UV Protective Finish, Syzygium cumini (L.).
