Family Ecology: Context of Adolescents' Personality from Disorganized Families
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This study investigated the role of socio-economic variables on personality of adolescents from disorganized families. Multidimensional Assessment of Personality Series (MAP Series Form-T) form for Teens had been used for the said purpose. Test contained 20 dimensions and 7 items for each dimension to objectively assess the personality of adolescents. A list of adolescents of urban disorganized families was prepared from five randomly selected city schools of Hisar city. A sample of 45 urban respondents was randomly selected from the prepared list. Following the same procedure, a sample of 45 rural adolescents was taken from the list of f rural disorganized family's adolescents of purposively selected villages in Hisar-I block. The findings indicated significant association between personality of adolescents and personal and socio-economical variables. Age and area of belonging had significant association with adolescent's enthusiasm, boldness, guilt proneness, leadership, maturity, mental health, self-control, self-sufficiency and tension. Parent's occupation and family income had significant association with general ability, guilt proneness, leadership, mental health, self-control and social warmth of the respondents. Family size had a significant effect on boldness, general ability, innovation and self-control while parent's education was significantly associated with guilt proneness, leadership, maturity, self-control and tension, further sex of parents was significantly associated with self-control level of adolescents. There was a significant association between caste and adolescent's mental health, self-control and self-sufficiency while family type was associated with enthusiasm, general ability and individualism of respondents.
Family Ecology, Adolescents, Personality.
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