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Impacts of Organic Foods Towards the Attitude of Students in Kanpur

1 Research Scholar, Institute of Business Management, CSJMU, Kanpur, India

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This research paper analyses the impact of organic food towards the attitude of students in Kanpur. Because now a day’s most of college going students became fast foods friendly that’s why health is the major issues for youths. Therefore, my research problem is to identify the attitude of Kanpur’s college going students. The main objectives of this research are to identify the attitude of male and female students towards organic foods and its impacts on their health. This study is based on descriptive in nature and 100 respondents were selected and questionnaires filled by them and the hypothesis was tested by ‘t’ test and percentage analysis. The result reveals that, female students have higher attitude organic food in comparison to male students. Therefore on the basis of result we can say that female students are more conscious to their health in comparison to male students.


Organic Food, Attitude of Students, Health, Buying Behavior.
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  • Impacts of Organic Foods Towards the Attitude of Students in Kanpur

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Ravindra Bhardwaj
Research Scholar, Institute of Business Management, CSJMU, Kanpur, India


This research paper analyses the impact of organic food towards the attitude of students in Kanpur. Because now a day’s most of college going students became fast foods friendly that’s why health is the major issues for youths. Therefore, my research problem is to identify the attitude of Kanpur’s college going students. The main objectives of this research are to identify the attitude of male and female students towards organic foods and its impacts on their health. This study is based on descriptive in nature and 100 respondents were selected and questionnaires filled by them and the hypothesis was tested by ‘t’ test and percentage analysis. The result reveals that, female students have higher attitude organic food in comparison to male students. Therefore on the basis of result we can say that female students are more conscious to their health in comparison to male students.


Organic Food, Attitude of Students, Health, Buying Behavior.
