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Assessing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Service Performance in Mediating Effect of Brand Equity with Reference to Banks in India

1 Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India
2 KCT Business School, Coimbatore, India

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In competitive global scenario banks are very keen in branding their corporate social responsibility to enhance their service performance to compete effectively. This study was carried out to explore and assess the impact of corporate social responsibility on service performance in banking sector through reputation. To measure the corporate social responsibility, Maignan and Ferrell (2004) CSR scale, for the service performance the SERVPERF Model Parasoarman (1985), and for brand equity the brand equity (BI) index, developed by Aaker (1991) were used. The simple random sampling technique was used to collect the data from 617 banking customers. Structural Equation Modelling was used to measure the impact of corporate social responsibility on service performance through brand equity. The findings of the study indicates that CSR initiatives were linked to stronger service performance of the bank which ends stronger brand performance with the bank


CSR, Brand Equity, Service Performance, Bank.
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  • Assessing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Service Performance in Mediating Effect of Brand Equity with Reference to Banks in India

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T. Praveen Kumar
Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India
Kirupa Priyadarsini
KCT Business School, Coimbatore, India


In competitive global scenario banks are very keen in branding their corporate social responsibility to enhance their service performance to compete effectively. This study was carried out to explore and assess the impact of corporate social responsibility on service performance in banking sector through reputation. To measure the corporate social responsibility, Maignan and Ferrell (2004) CSR scale, for the service performance the SERVPERF Model Parasoarman (1985), and for brand equity the brand equity (BI) index, developed by Aaker (1991) were used. The simple random sampling technique was used to collect the data from 617 banking customers. Structural Equation Modelling was used to measure the impact of corporate social responsibility on service performance through brand equity. The findings of the study indicates that CSR initiatives were linked to stronger service performance of the bank which ends stronger brand performance with the bank


CSR, Brand Equity, Service Performance, Bank.
