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Knowledge Regarding Dysmenorrhea and its Health Seeking Behavior in Colleges of Sikkim

1 Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India

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Objectives: to identify the number of students experiencing dysmennrohea, to assess the knowledge regarding dysmennrohea and its health-seeking behavior among the female student population, to determine the association between knowledge regarding dysmennrohea and its health-seeking behavior with the variables.

Methods: A Descriptive survey of 80 female college students were done using a structured knowledge questionnaire and health-seeking behavior tools during the month of February 2014 at Center of Computer and Communication Technology, Chisopani, South Sikkim, India. Simple random sampling was used to select the college and purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample.

Results: Majority 65% were of 18-21 years of age, 50% were Hindu, 100% were unmarried. About 42.5% had family monthly income of 15000 and above. Educational status of mother of about 40% was secondary, 36.25% belonged to extended family. Age of menarche of 78.75% was 13-14years, 96.25% had 3-7 days of menstruation, 40% used 3-4 pads during 1st day of menstruation, 71.25% used 3-4 pads during 2nd day of menstruation, 67.5% had menstrual cycle of 21-35 days. Majority 65% received information on health seeking behavior from their female relatives. Majority 64(78.75%) had experienced painful menstruation among which 70.31% consumed hot liquids, 70.31% took medicines, 3.12% took chocolate and 1.35% tied stomach with scarf as health seeking behavior. Majority 76.25% participants had moderate knowledge regarding dysmenorrhea and its health seeking behavior. There was no significant association between knowledge regarding dysmenorrhea and its health seeking behavior.

Conclusion: The study showed that majority of the females college students had moderate knowledge and various health seeking behaviors regarding dysmennrohea.


Knowledge, Health-seeking Behavior and Dysmennrohea.
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  • Knowledge Regarding Dysmenorrhea and its Health Seeking Behavior in Colleges of Sikkim

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Sonam Zangmu Sherpa
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Ranjita Devi
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Anjana Dangol
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Asha Limbu
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Isha Chettri
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Jecika Gurung
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Jyotika Poudyal
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Lakhi Bhutia
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Lhamu Bhutia
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Namrata Gurung
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Prajala Chettri
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Sarina Ghaju
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Shova Kunwar
Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal University, India


Objectives: to identify the number of students experiencing dysmennrohea, to assess the knowledge regarding dysmennrohea and its health-seeking behavior among the female student population, to determine the association between knowledge regarding dysmennrohea and its health-seeking behavior with the variables.

Methods: A Descriptive survey of 80 female college students were done using a structured knowledge questionnaire and health-seeking behavior tools during the month of February 2014 at Center of Computer and Communication Technology, Chisopani, South Sikkim, India. Simple random sampling was used to select the college and purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample.

Results: Majority 65% were of 18-21 years of age, 50% were Hindu, 100% were unmarried. About 42.5% had family monthly income of 15000 and above. Educational status of mother of about 40% was secondary, 36.25% belonged to extended family. Age of menarche of 78.75% was 13-14years, 96.25% had 3-7 days of menstruation, 40% used 3-4 pads during 1st day of menstruation, 71.25% used 3-4 pads during 2nd day of menstruation, 67.5% had menstrual cycle of 21-35 days. Majority 65% received information on health seeking behavior from their female relatives. Majority 64(78.75%) had experienced painful menstruation among which 70.31% consumed hot liquids, 70.31% took medicines, 3.12% took chocolate and 1.35% tied stomach with scarf as health seeking behavior. Majority 76.25% participants had moderate knowledge regarding dysmenorrhea and its health seeking behavior. There was no significant association between knowledge regarding dysmenorrhea and its health seeking behavior.

Conclusion: The study showed that majority of the females college students had moderate knowledge and various health seeking behaviors regarding dysmennrohea.


Knowledge, Health-seeking Behavior and Dysmennrohea.
