An Exploratory Study on Factors Contributing Towards Deviant Behavior Among Adolescents in Selected Senior Secondary Schools of District Mohali, Punjab With a View to Develop an Information Booklet
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This study aimed to assess the level of deviant behavior and then explore the factors contributing towards deviant behavior among adolescents in selected senior secondary schools of district Mohali, Punjab with a view to develop an information booklet. A quantitative approach with exploratory design was adopted. By convenient sampling technique 200 adolescents were selected from selected senior secondary schools of district Mohali, Punjab. Modified Normative Deviance Scale (NDS) and structured checklist were used to collect the data from adolescents in selected senior secondary schools of district Mohali, Punjab. Findings of the study shows that shows that majority 70.5% of the adolescents were in the age group of 15-16years, 59% of adolescents were female, 57.5% of the adolescents were Hindu, 62% were living in nuclear family, 36% adolescents had more than 3 siblings, 40% had 30,001-50,000 family income per month (in rupees), 28.5% adolescents’ mother studied up to secondary level and 64.5% had non-working mothers, 32.5% adolescents’ father studied up to graduation level, 98.5% had working fathers, 52.5% adolescents had 71-90% class attendance and 55.5% adolescents were using WhatsApp in their most of the leisure time. The majority of the adolescents i.e. 187(93.5%) fall into a category of mild level of deviant behavior, 12(6.0%) were having moderate level of deviant behavior and 1(0.5%) were having severe level of deviant behavior. there was significant association of level of deviant behavior with educational status of mother, working status of mother.
Deviant Behavior, Adolescents, NDS, Information booklet.
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