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A True Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effect of Ice Gel Pack Application on Peri Orbital Edema Among Patients After Craniotomy Surgery

1 M. Sc. Nursing Student, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
3 Principal, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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A craniotomy is a cornerstone for the management of the traumatic brain injury worldwide and it is estimated that more than 60000 craniotomy surgeries are performed per year in Tamil Nadu. The postoperative complications related to craniotomy are hematoma formation, cerebral edema, subgaleal collection, per orbital edema, wound/bone flap infection, extra dural abscesses, and herniation. Ice gel pack application is one of the non-pharmacological approach to reduce per orbital edema, after craniotomy. The study was aimed to assess the Effect of Ice Gel Pack Application on Periorbital Edema among Patient after Craniotomy. True experimental pre-test-post-test control group design was adopted and the purposive sampling technique, 30 samples were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, experimental group [n=15] and the Control group [n=15]. The demographic variable, medical history, surgeon periorbital rating edema scale in both experimental and control group. Intervention was given to experimental group and routine treatment was given to control group. It was identified that the mean level of periorbital edema after craniotomy surgery in experimental and control group was 1.33 and 0.36 respectively with a mean difference of 1.73. Likewise the standard deviation of the experimental and control group was 0.36 and 0.59 respectively. The calculated 't’ value 27.8 was greater than the table value 3.67 at 0.001 level of significance. Hence, it was concluded that ice gel pack application was an effective method to reduce the grade of periorbital edema after craniotomy surgery.


Ice Gel Pack, Periorbital Edema, Craniotomy.
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  • A True Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effect of Ice Gel Pack Application on Peri Orbital Edema Among Patients After Craniotomy Surgery

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Y. Derina
M. Sc. Nursing Student, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Mrs. Sasikala
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
T. Nirmala
Principal, College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


A craniotomy is a cornerstone for the management of the traumatic brain injury worldwide and it is estimated that more than 60000 craniotomy surgeries are performed per year in Tamil Nadu. The postoperative complications related to craniotomy are hematoma formation, cerebral edema, subgaleal collection, per orbital edema, wound/bone flap infection, extra dural abscesses, and herniation. Ice gel pack application is one of the non-pharmacological approach to reduce per orbital edema, after craniotomy. The study was aimed to assess the Effect of Ice Gel Pack Application on Periorbital Edema among Patient after Craniotomy. True experimental pre-test-post-test control group design was adopted and the purposive sampling technique, 30 samples were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, experimental group [n=15] and the Control group [n=15]. The demographic variable, medical history, surgeon periorbital rating edema scale in both experimental and control group. Intervention was given to experimental group and routine treatment was given to control group. It was identified that the mean level of periorbital edema after craniotomy surgery in experimental and control group was 1.33 and 0.36 respectively with a mean difference of 1.73. Likewise the standard deviation of the experimental and control group was 0.36 and 0.59 respectively. The calculated 't’ value 27.8 was greater than the table value 3.67 at 0.001 level of significance. Hence, it was concluded that ice gel pack application was an effective method to reduce the grade of periorbital edema after craniotomy surgery.


Ice Gel Pack, Periorbital Edema, Craniotomy.
