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Burden and Coping Strategies in Care Givers of Mentally Ill Person

1 Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), College of Nursing, Loni (Bk), 413736, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

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Background: Around one fourth of world population is affected with one or other psychiatric disorders. The family care giver is an important person who cares for individual with mental disorders; however care givers experience a multi range of problems, often associated with their care giving role. It becomes important to identify these areas of burden and provide necessary support.

Aim: To explore the burden and coping strategies adopted in caregivers of mentally ill persons and identify the relationship between burden and coping strategies.

Material and Methods: A hospital based descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among 94 care givers of mentally ill patients attending Out Patient Department of Pravara Rural Hospital. The data was collected by using structured interview method, from purposefully selected care givers. The questionnaire included a demographic questions, Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and coping strategies inventory. The data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics wherever required.

Results: The findings revealed that nearly one fourth (24%) of care givers had moderate level burden. The mean score on the burden among care givers was (34.06±10.87), with scores ranging from 1 - 88. Majority (76%) of care givers had partially adoptive coping while (24%) were had not adoptive coping with the burden. A moderately positive relationship was existed between burden and coping strategies adopted. Demographic variable like age, type of family and duration of caring was associated with burden; and age and duration of caring was significantly associated with coping strategies.

Conclusion: There is a significant level of burden and distress experienced by care givers; and followed a partially adoptive coping strategies. Psycho educational interventions are needed to assist caregivers cope successfully with burden resulting from the care of mentally ill persons.


Assess, Burden, Coping Strategies and Mentally Ill Person.
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  • Burden and Coping Strategies in Care Givers of Mentally Ill Person

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G. Vimala
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), College of Nursing, Loni (Bk), 413736, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India


Background: Around one fourth of world population is affected with one or other psychiatric disorders. The family care giver is an important person who cares for individual with mental disorders; however care givers experience a multi range of problems, often associated with their care giving role. It becomes important to identify these areas of burden and provide necessary support.

Aim: To explore the burden and coping strategies adopted in caregivers of mentally ill persons and identify the relationship between burden and coping strategies.

Material and Methods: A hospital based descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among 94 care givers of mentally ill patients attending Out Patient Department of Pravara Rural Hospital. The data was collected by using structured interview method, from purposefully selected care givers. The questionnaire included a demographic questions, Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and coping strategies inventory. The data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics wherever required.

Results: The findings revealed that nearly one fourth (24%) of care givers had moderate level burden. The mean score on the burden among care givers was (34.06±10.87), with scores ranging from 1 - 88. Majority (76%) of care givers had partially adoptive coping while (24%) were had not adoptive coping with the burden. A moderately positive relationship was existed between burden and coping strategies adopted. Demographic variable like age, type of family and duration of caring was associated with burden; and age and duration of caring was significantly associated with coping strategies.

Conclusion: There is a significant level of burden and distress experienced by care givers; and followed a partially adoptive coping strategies. Psycho educational interventions are needed to assist caregivers cope successfully with burden resulting from the care of mentally ill persons.


Assess, Burden, Coping Strategies and Mentally Ill Person.
