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Quality by Design (QbD) concept Review in Pharmaceuticals

1 YSPM'S, Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Wadhe, Satara., India

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Quality by Design (QbD) refers to a holistic approach towards drug development. Quality by design is a vital part of the modern approach to pharmaceutical quality. The purpose of this practice school topic is to discuss the pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) and illustrate how it can be used to ensure pharmaceutical quality. The QbD is a systemic approach to pharmaceutical development. It means designing and developing formulations and manufacturing processes to ensure predefined product quality. Some of the QbD elements include: Defining Quality target product profile, identifying critical quality attributes, link the drug excipients attributes, establishing design space, control strategy, critical process parameters and product life cycle management. Using QbD, pharmaceutical quality is assured by understanding and controlling formulation and manufacturing variables. A new approach to drug development could increase efficiencies, provide regulatory support and flexibility, and offer important business benefits throughout the product’s life cycle. This PS topic explores the processes used in developing a market formulation and required supportive data, particularly in light of the industry’s current movement toward submissions based on QbD. The work also facilitates the adoption and implementation of QbD. Principles in the development of pharmaceutical industries. Successful implementation of QbD concepts requires cooperation across a multitude of company teams, from R&D to manufacturing to quality control and regulatory affairs. This is necessary to ensure that QbD concepts are incorporated not only when the first activities are initiated around a product’s design but also during the design of the process used to make the product and other activities associated with a product’s life cycle. The application of the concept of quality by design (QbD) presented in this paper aligns with the principles of ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10 guidelines.


Control strategy, Critical material attributes, Critical process parameters, Design space, Quality by design.
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  • Quality by Design (QbD) concept Review in Pharmaceuticals

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Kaustubh Jagtap
YSPM'S, Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Wadhe, Satara., India
Bharati Chaudhari
YSPM'S, Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Wadhe, Satara., India
Vivekkumar Redasani
YSPM'S, Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Wadhe, Satara., India


Quality by Design (QbD) refers to a holistic approach towards drug development. Quality by design is a vital part of the modern approach to pharmaceutical quality. The purpose of this practice school topic is to discuss the pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) and illustrate how it can be used to ensure pharmaceutical quality. The QbD is a systemic approach to pharmaceutical development. It means designing and developing formulations and manufacturing processes to ensure predefined product quality. Some of the QbD elements include: Defining Quality target product profile, identifying critical quality attributes, link the drug excipients attributes, establishing design space, control strategy, critical process parameters and product life cycle management. Using QbD, pharmaceutical quality is assured by understanding and controlling formulation and manufacturing variables. A new approach to drug development could increase efficiencies, provide regulatory support and flexibility, and offer important business benefits throughout the product’s life cycle. This PS topic explores the processes used in developing a market formulation and required supportive data, particularly in light of the industry’s current movement toward submissions based on QbD. The work also facilitates the adoption and implementation of QbD. Principles in the development of pharmaceutical industries. Successful implementation of QbD concepts requires cooperation across a multitude of company teams, from R&D to manufacturing to quality control and regulatory affairs. This is necessary to ensure that QbD concepts are incorporated not only when the first activities are initiated around a product’s design but also during the design of the process used to make the product and other activities associated with a product’s life cycle. The application of the concept of quality by design (QbD) presented in this paper aligns with the principles of ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10 guidelines.


Control strategy, Critical material attributes, Critical process parameters, Design space, Quality by design.
