Correlation Coefficient and Seasonal Variations with Statistical Interpretation of Ground Water Quality of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation during Different Seasons of the Year-2010
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Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha, is under the spell of rapid urbanisation. On account of this the population of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation has grown manifold during the last decade. As a result of the increasing population load, the requirement of water for human activities has also increased considerably. Because of various human activities, a huge amount of waste water is generated which is discharged into the river Kuakhai which is the main source of water for Bhubaneswar and its adjoining areas. Thus the water of river Kuakhai is polluted because of huge discharge of waste and waste water generated from the city which has forced the people to use ground water which is known to be safe for drinking. Presently around forty percent of people of BMC depend on ground water which is also getting polluted day by day. In view of this it is felt necessary to make an evaluation of the status of ground water quality in Bhubaneswar.
Nine different locations have been chosen spreading across Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation depending upon the population load. The samples were collected quarterly in the month of January, 2010, May, 2010 and September, 2010 in three different seasons to determine the physical, chemical and biological parameters. The seasonal variations of different parameters have been compared with standard values and the mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient among different parameters has been analysed.
From the mean and standard deviation value it was found that the standard deviation is very minimum in pH, F, Iron and Turbidity which indicates that the values obtained are in close proximity with each other while the maximum deviation occurs in conductivity indicating that in the study period conductivity value varies widely
From the correlation coefficient studies it is observed that five parameters are correlated with each other out of which TH with TDS are highly correlated having value 0.971 and TDS and conductivity are also highly correlated having value 0.948. As all the five parameters are correlated with each other, we can develop equation between them so that one can be found out by knowing the other parameter.
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