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Selection of Suitable Physico-Chemical Conditions for Gluconic Acid Production by a Mutant Aureobasidium Pullulans SG 80

1 Department of Biological Sciences, Sankrail Abhoy Charan High School (H.S.), Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, India
2 Department of Organon of Medicine, Midnapore Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Midnapore (W), West Bengal, India
3 Department of Physiology, Surendranath College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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An experimental study was conducted to improve the production of gluconic acid by the mutant Aureobasidium pullulans SG 80 by optimizing different physic-chemical conditions for fermentation. After optimization of different factors, maximum production was obtained with : glucose,8%; (NH4)2SO4,1.0%; K2HPO4,0.15%; CaCO3, 0.25% , MnSO4,,15%; and MgSO4.7H2O,0.25% with maximum utilization of sugar at pH,6.5;volume of medium,30ml; cell density, 5x106 cells/ml; shaker speed ,200 rpm and temperature, 300C.


Gluconic Acid, Aureobasidium Pullulans, Fermentation, Optimization,utilization
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  • Selection of Suitable Physico-Chemical Conditions for Gluconic Acid Production by a Mutant Aureobasidium Pullulans SG 80

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S. Ganguly
Department of Biological Sciences, Sankrail Abhoy Charan High School (H.S.), Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, India
S. K. Mandal
Department of Organon of Medicine, Midnapore Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Midnapore (W), West Bengal, India
S. K. Patra
Department of Physiology, Surendranath College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


An experimental study was conducted to improve the production of gluconic acid by the mutant Aureobasidium pullulans SG 80 by optimizing different physic-chemical conditions for fermentation. After optimization of different factors, maximum production was obtained with : glucose,8%; (NH4)2SO4,1.0%; K2HPO4,0.15%; CaCO3, 0.25% , MnSO4,,15%; and MgSO4.7H2O,0.25% with maximum utilization of sugar at pH,6.5;volume of medium,30ml; cell density, 5x106 cells/ml; shaker speed ,200 rpm and temperature, 300C.


Gluconic Acid, Aureobasidium Pullulans, Fermentation, Optimization,utilization
