Gastroprotective Influence of Vitamin C and its Combination with Rabeprazole in Pylorus Ligation Induced Ulcers
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Aim: To assess the influence of Vitamin C (antioxidant) and its combination with rabeprazole in the treatment of peptic ulcer in pylorus ligated rats.
Methodology: The study was divided into 2 dose regimen groups - single and multiple doses. Each regimen group consists of Wistar albino rats of either sex (180-220g) that were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals in each. In single dose regimen group, the animals were fasted for 48 h, after which the drugs and their combination were administered. After 1 h of drug administration the pylorus ligation was performed. However, in multiple dose regimens, the drug and their combination were administered for 07 consecutive days. On 7th day following drug administration the animals were fasted for 48 h and pylorus ligation was performed under ether anesthesia. In both dose regimen groups, the following biochemical parameters were evaluated - volume of gastric juice (ml), pH, free acidity (mEq/L), total acidity (mEq/L) and ulcer index. Histopathology was performed on the stomachs treated with multiple dose regimens.
Results: The interpretation of the results was done statistically using one way ANOVA by Dunnett's test. It was found that the group treated with combination of rabeprazole and vitamin C exhibited significant enhancement of antiulcer activity in both regimen groups on comparison with groups treated with rabeprazole and vitamin C individually.
Conclusion: The combination of vitamin C and rabeprazole was found to be synergistic in nature and more effective in treating peptic ulcer disease upon comparison with standard rabeprazole alone.
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