Impact of Zinc on Micronutrient Content in Root in different Wheat Cultivars
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For the experiment, four different wheat varieties were selected of which two were Zn-efficient (GW190 and LOK-1) and two Zn-inefficient (GW399 and GW-403) varieties having three levels viz., 0, 10 and 20 mg Zn kg-1 through zinc sulphate (21% Zn) with standard NPK fertilization. The cultivars were grown in pots (6, 7 and 10 kg capacity) upto three stages viz., 20, 50 days after germination (DAG) and upto maturity. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) and treatments were repeated thrice for all three stages. The varietal trend of ischolar_main Zn content was observed in order as; GW399>GW403>GW190>LOK-1. The ischolar_main Fe content was observed in order as LOK-1>GW190> GW399>GW403. The Mn content was observed as in order GW403>LOK-1> GW399>GW190. The varietal trend for ischolar_main content Cu was found as in order GW190>GW403>LOK-1>GW399.
Wheat, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn Content, Root.
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