Fertility Status of Soils of Girgadhda and Una Taluka of Gir Somnath District
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Total 215 numbers of representative surface (0-15 cm) soil sample had been collected to check fertility status under Soil Health Card Programme form cultivated farmers's field of Girgadhda and Una taluka of Gir Somnath district during 2015. The chemical analysis of 215 surface samples indicates that soil were medium in OC and also medium in available P2O5, K2O and S. Among the DTPA extractable micronutrients, Mn and Cu were found sufficient, whereas the soils were medium in Fe and Zn. The nutrient index values were low for Zn (1.45), medium for OC (1.98), P2O5 (1.85), K2O (1.98), S (2.01), Fe (1.53) and Mn (2.31) and high for Cu (3.00) in the Girgadhda and Una Taluka of Gir Somnath district.
Available Macronutrients, DTPA Extractable Micronutrients, Nutrient Index.
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