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Effect of Sulphur and Zinc with and without Fym on Yield and Soil Physical Property after Harvest of Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss] Grown on Light Textured Soil of Kachchh

1 Regional Research Station (S.D.A.U.), Bhachau, Kachchh (Gujarat), India

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A field experiment consisting of 24 treatment combinations of four levels of sulphur (0,20,40,60 kg/ha) and three levels of zinc (0,2.5 and 5.0 kg Zn/ha) and two level of FYM (0 and 10 t FYM/ha) was conducted for two consecutive years from 2007-08 and 2008-09 were tested with three replications under factorial Randomized Block Design at Bhachau-Kachchh to study the effect of S and Zn with and without FYM on yield and property of soil after harvest of mustard. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand with alkaline in reaction, low in nitrogen, sulphur and zinc, medium in phosphorus and potassium. Application of 40kg S/ha and 5.0 kg Zn/ha along with 10 t FYM/ha produced significantly higher yield and affected the physical properties of soil at harvest of crop over the control but it was at par with the application 40kg S/ha and 5.0kg Zn/ha along with 10t FYM/ha. Maximum economic benefits of gross realization, net realization along with highest BCR of 4.44:1was obtained with F1S2Zn2 treatment.


FYM, Mustard, Physical Property of Soil, Sulphur, Yield, Zinc.
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  • Effect of Sulphur and Zinc with and without Fym on Yield and Soil Physical Property after Harvest of Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss] Grown on Light Textured Soil of Kachchh

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A. H. Sipai
Regional Research Station (S.D.A.U.), Bhachau, Kachchh (Gujarat), India
Kuldeep Sevak
Regional Research Station (S.D.A.U.), Bhachau, Kachchh (Gujarat), India
K. U. Khorajiya
Regional Research Station (S.D.A.U.), Bhachau, Kachchh (Gujarat), India
D. B. Modi
Regional Research Station (S.D.A.U.), Bhachau, Kachchh (Gujarat), India


A field experiment consisting of 24 treatment combinations of four levels of sulphur (0,20,40,60 kg/ha) and three levels of zinc (0,2.5 and 5.0 kg Zn/ha) and two level of FYM (0 and 10 t FYM/ha) was conducted for two consecutive years from 2007-08 and 2008-09 were tested with three replications under factorial Randomized Block Design at Bhachau-Kachchh to study the effect of S and Zn with and without FYM on yield and property of soil after harvest of mustard. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand with alkaline in reaction, low in nitrogen, sulphur and zinc, medium in phosphorus and potassium. Application of 40kg S/ha and 5.0 kg Zn/ha along with 10 t FYM/ha produced significantly higher yield and affected the physical properties of soil at harvest of crop over the control but it was at par with the application 40kg S/ha and 5.0kg Zn/ha along with 10t FYM/ha. Maximum economic benefits of gross realization, net realization along with highest BCR of 4.44:1was obtained with F1S2Zn2 treatment.


FYM, Mustard, Physical Property of Soil, Sulphur, Yield, Zinc.
