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Mathematical Modeling of Two-Dimensional Unconfined Flow in Aquifers

1 Department of Mathematics, Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kannad, Aurangabad (M.S.), India
2 Department of Mathematics, Deogiri College, Aurangabad (M.S.), India

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Derivation of general equation for two-dimensional aquifer flow is given. In this derivation we perform a volume balance instead of a mass balance and obtained analytical solutions of two-dimensional saturated flow under various condition. We also constructed transient unconfined groundwater flow equation by combining continuity equation with the Darcy law and provide an analytical solution.


Aquifer, Analytical Solution, Unconfined, Two-Dimensional, Transmissivity, Isotropic.
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  • Mathematical Modeling of Two-Dimensional Unconfined Flow in Aquifers

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R. V. Waghmare
Department of Mathematics, Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kannad, Aurangabad (M.S.), India
S. B. Kiwne
Department of Mathematics, Deogiri College, Aurangabad (M.S.), India


Derivation of general equation for two-dimensional aquifer flow is given. In this derivation we perform a volume balance instead of a mass balance and obtained analytical solutions of two-dimensional saturated flow under various condition. We also constructed transient unconfined groundwater flow equation by combining continuity equation with the Darcy law and provide an analytical solution.


Aquifer, Analytical Solution, Unconfined, Two-Dimensional, Transmissivity, Isotropic.
