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Study on Knowledge and Adoption of Kharif Green Gram Cultivation Practices

1 College of Agriculture, Kadegaon, Sangli (M.S.), India
2 College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
3 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sangli (M.S.), India

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Present investigation was undertaken with an objective, to study the knowledge level of respondents about recommended package of practices of green gram and to study the extent of adoption of Kharif green gram cultivation practices. The study was conducted in the Parbhani district of Maharashtra state. On the area basis, Parbhani and Selu talukas were purposively selected. Pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was developed for data collection. Personal interview technique was used for collection of data. Data were analysed by SPSS software. It was observed that 49.33 per cent of the respondents were having knowledge of land requirement for green gram crop. While 34.00 per cent of them were having knowledge about recommended varieties of the green gram. Majority of the respondents (70.00 per cent) had medium knowledge followed by 17.33 per cent of them having low knowledge and 12.67 per cent of them had high level of knowledge. It was further observed that 19.33 per cent and 12.00 per cent of respondents fully adopted practices like recommended varieties and control measures for diseases like powdery mildew, respectively, whereas negligible per cent of respondents (i.e. 0.07%) fully adopted Rhizobium seed treatment practice. In relationship between selected nine independent variables and adoption level, it was found that out of five variables viz., education, land holding, annual income, source of information and knowledge had positive and significant relationship with adoption level at 0.01 level of probability while single variable economic motivation had positive and significant relationship with adoption level at 0.05 level of probability.


Knowledge Level, Adoption, Green Gram Cultivation.
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  • Study on Knowledge and Adoption of Kharif Green Gram Cultivation Practices

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S. S. Mane
College of Agriculture, Kadegaon, Sangli (M.S.), India
B. T. Kolgane
College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
D. T. Khogare
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sangli (M.S.), India


Present investigation was undertaken with an objective, to study the knowledge level of respondents about recommended package of practices of green gram and to study the extent of adoption of Kharif green gram cultivation practices. The study was conducted in the Parbhani district of Maharashtra state. On the area basis, Parbhani and Selu talukas were purposively selected. Pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was developed for data collection. Personal interview technique was used for collection of data. Data were analysed by SPSS software. It was observed that 49.33 per cent of the respondents were having knowledge of land requirement for green gram crop. While 34.00 per cent of them were having knowledge about recommended varieties of the green gram. Majority of the respondents (70.00 per cent) had medium knowledge followed by 17.33 per cent of them having low knowledge and 12.67 per cent of them had high level of knowledge. It was further observed that 19.33 per cent and 12.00 per cent of respondents fully adopted practices like recommended varieties and control measures for diseases like powdery mildew, respectively, whereas negligible per cent of respondents (i.e. 0.07%) fully adopted Rhizobium seed treatment practice. In relationship between selected nine independent variables and adoption level, it was found that out of five variables viz., education, land holding, annual income, source of information and knowledge had positive and significant relationship with adoption level at 0.01 level of probability while single variable economic motivation had positive and significant relationship with adoption level at 0.05 level of probability.


Knowledge Level, Adoption, Green Gram Cultivation.