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Front Line Demonstration of Indian Mustard is a Path of Prosperity for Resource Poor Farmers in Rainfed Area
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The study was laidout during 2015-16 at ruined area, situated in Kanpur Dehat. The soil of pilot area is sandy loam, having low fertility status. The improved cultivar Pitambari of Indian mustard was tested with local check in cluster front line demonstration. The main objective of cluster front line demonstration was to increase the productivity of Indian mustard and replace the seed of old cultivars. The cultivar Pitambari was sown in the first week of November with full recommended package of practices. The cultivar Pitambari gave yield by 13.80 q/ha, which was higher over local check by a margin of 5.45 q/ha or 65.30 per cent. The growth and yield trait were concordant to seed yield.
Cluster Demonstration Path, Pilot Area, Prosperity, Resource Poor.
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