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A Comparison of Postoperative Analgesia with High Volume, Low Concentration and Low Volume, High Concentration Levobupivacaine in Caudal Block for Pediatric Infraumbilical Daycare Surgeries: Randomized Observer Blinded Study

1 SNMC, Bagalkot, India

By increasing the volume of local anesthetics, a higher initial level of blockade might extend the analgesic duration in caudal block. Our aim was to compare postoperative analgesic durations between high volume, low concentration and low volume, high concentration levobupivacaine administered to children undergoing infraumbilical daycare surgery.


Caudal Block, Levobupivacaine, Pediatrics.
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  • A Comparison of Postoperative Analgesia with High Volume, Low Concentration and Low Volume, High Concentration Levobupivacaine in Caudal Block for Pediatric Infraumbilical Daycare Surgeries: Randomized Observer Blinded Study

Abstract Views: 1081  | 


Preetika R. Hiremath
SNMC, Bagalkot, India
G. Anilkumar
SNMC, Bagalkot, India
Shilpa Masur
SNMC, Bagalkot, India
D. S. Prakashappa
SNMC, Bagalkot, India


By increasing the volume of local anesthetics, a higher initial level of blockade might extend the analgesic duration in caudal block. Our aim was to compare postoperative analgesic durations between high volume, low concentration and low volume, high concentration levobupivacaine administered to children undergoing infraumbilical daycare surgery.


Caudal Block, Levobupivacaine, Pediatrics.
