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A Retrospective Study on the Clinical Profile and Outcome of Patients on Mechanical Ventilation with Intermediate Syndrome (IMS) Following Organophosphorus Poisoning

1 JJM Medical College, Davangere, India

Organophosphorus poisoning is the most common type of poisoning in rural India. After initial recovery from cholinergic crisis, some patients have resurgence of respiratory muscle paralysis requiring ventilator support and condition is termed as intermediate syndrome. This study was done to evaluate outcome of patients on mechanical ventilation with IMS.


Intermediate Syndrome, Organo-Phosphorus Poisoning, Cholinergic Crisis, Acetylcholine, Respiratory Muscle Paralysis, Cholinesterase Levels.
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  • Comprehensive review on experimental and clinical finding in Intermediate syndrome caused by organophosphorus poisoning- M. Abdollahi, S. Karami- Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 2012, Elsevier
  • Review of Intermediate syndrome in organophosphorus poisoning- Dr. Vikram Palimar; Dr. K.M. Saralya, Dr. Arun M- JPAFMAT, 2006

Abstract Views: 1014

  • A Retrospective Study on the Clinical Profile and Outcome of Patients on Mechanical Ventilation with Intermediate Syndrome (IMS) Following Organophosphorus Poisoning

Abstract Views: 1014  | 


Jaya chandra Tentu
JJM Medical College, Davangere, India
D. B. Prakash
JJM Medical College, Davangere, India


Organophosphorus poisoning is the most common type of poisoning in rural India. After initial recovery from cholinergic crisis, some patients have resurgence of respiratory muscle paralysis requiring ventilator support and condition is termed as intermediate syndrome. This study was done to evaluate outcome of patients on mechanical ventilation with IMS.


Intermediate Syndrome, Organo-Phosphorus Poisoning, Cholinergic Crisis, Acetylcholine, Respiratory Muscle Paralysis, Cholinesterase Levels.
