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A New Formulation for Determination of the Competition Coefficient in Multispecies Interaction for Lotka-Volterra Type Competition Models

1 Undergraduate Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, India

Determination of competition coefficients constitutes a vital part in the competition-based Lotka-Volterra-type population dynamics models. Various models have been proposed for the same, some of which were instinctive formulations, while some others were derived from dynamical and equilibrium relations pertaining to population dynamics. In this work, a new instinctive formulation to determine the competition coefficient has been proposed based on various parameters that determine the intensity of interspecific competition like the availability of resources, relative importance of a particular resource for a species, energy expenditure per resource utilization, etc.


Competition, Interspecies Interaction, Niche Overlap, Resource Utilization.
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  • A New Formulation for Determination of the Competition Coefficient in Multispecies Interaction for Lotka-Volterra Type Competition Models

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Anshuman Swain
Undergraduate Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, India
Saswata Chatterjee
Undergraduate Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, India


Determination of competition coefficients constitutes a vital part in the competition-based Lotka-Volterra-type population dynamics models. Various models have been proposed for the same, some of which were instinctive formulations, while some others were derived from dynamical and equilibrium relations pertaining to population dynamics. In this work, a new instinctive formulation to determine the competition coefficient has been proposed based on various parameters that determine the intensity of interspecific competition like the availability of resources, relative importance of a particular resource for a species, energy expenditure per resource utilization, etc.


Competition, Interspecies Interaction, Niche Overlap, Resource Utilization.
