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Eye-related symptoms were prominent at the time of and soon after the 1984 Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. We conducted a vision screening on the survivors to examine their current ocular status. Fifty-nine patients enrolled. We analysed the results from 48 patients (mean age 51 ± 12 years) who had a documented history of gas exposure. The commonly reported symptoms were vision difficulties (n = 30), watering (n = 21) and headaches (n = 16). Thirty patients needed spectacles, 30 had cataracts and 17 had pinguecula. We found the prevalence of pinguecula to be significantly higher in this cohort. The need for vision care among this underserved population is highlighted.


Dry Eyes, Gas Disaster, Headache, Pinguecula, Vision Screening, Watering.
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