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Estimation of Crop Coefficients and Water Productivity of Mustard (Brassica juncea) under Semi-Arid Conditions

1 Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
2 Water Technology Centre, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India

Experiment was conducted using weighing-type field lysimeters to determine single and dual crop coefficients (Kc) and to estimate water productivity of mustard (Brassica juncea) cultivar, Pusa Vijay (NPJ-93) during rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15. It was observed that the single crop coefficient (Kc) during rabi 2013-14 was 0.39, 0.72, 1.02 and 0.5 for initial, development, mid and late stages respectively. While in dual Kc the value of Kcb (basal crop coefficient) was 0.19, 0.55, 0.91 and 0.24 for the four stages, respectively. During rabi 2014-15, the single Kc was 0.36, 0.63, 1.04 and 0.44 and for dual Kc the value of Kcb was 0.17, 0.46, 0.91 and 0.23 for four stages respectively. Relationship between Kcb and leaf area index as well as between Kcb and growing degree days was also established. Water productivity was estimated to be 14.9 kg/ha-mm corresponding to grain yield of 2.34 t ha-1 with 157 mm of total irrigation water applied during rabi 2013-14. Whereas during rabi 2014-15, water productivity was 15.4 kg/ha-mm with grain yield of 2.89 t ha-1 with 187 mm depth of applied irrigation. Nonetheless, the estimated crop coefficients of mustard can be used for judicious irrigation scheduling in order to enhance water productivity in semi-arid environment.


Brassica juncea, Crop Coefficient, Evapotranspiration, Leaf Area Index, Water Productivity.
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  • Estimation of Crop Coefficients and Water Productivity of Mustard (Brassica juncea) under Semi-Arid Conditions

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A. Gupta
Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
A. Sarangi
Water Technology Centre, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
D. K. Singh
Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India


Experiment was conducted using weighing-type field lysimeters to determine single and dual crop coefficients (Kc) and to estimate water productivity of mustard (Brassica juncea) cultivar, Pusa Vijay (NPJ-93) during rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15. It was observed that the single crop coefficient (Kc) during rabi 2013-14 was 0.39, 0.72, 1.02 and 0.5 for initial, development, mid and late stages respectively. While in dual Kc the value of Kcb (basal crop coefficient) was 0.19, 0.55, 0.91 and 0.24 for the four stages, respectively. During rabi 2014-15, the single Kc was 0.36, 0.63, 1.04 and 0.44 and for dual Kc the value of Kcb was 0.17, 0.46, 0.91 and 0.23 for four stages respectively. Relationship between Kcb and leaf area index as well as between Kcb and growing degree days was also established. Water productivity was estimated to be 14.9 kg/ha-mm corresponding to grain yield of 2.34 t ha-1 with 157 mm of total irrigation water applied during rabi 2013-14. Whereas during rabi 2014-15, water productivity was 15.4 kg/ha-mm with grain yield of 2.89 t ha-1 with 187 mm depth of applied irrigation. Nonetheless, the estimated crop coefficients of mustard can be used for judicious irrigation scheduling in order to enhance water productivity in semi-arid environment.


Brassica juncea, Crop Coefficient, Evapotranspiration, Leaf Area Index, Water Productivity.
