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Simulation and Experimental Validation of Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar Photovoltaic Plant

1 School of Engineering and Technology, Ansal University, Gurgaon 122 003, India

Variation of solar irradiances plays an important role in changing the parameters of a photovoltaic (PV) module. This communication includes a mathematical model, system design, control algorithm and experimental set-up to obtain the maximum power point on P–V and I–V curves of an array. Discussions have been done on all the units of the system and a simulation model developed in MATLAB software using the proposed method. The resultant system is capable of tracking maximum power point without steady-state oscillations and errors in changing environmental conditions. The feasibility and improved functionality of the proposed system have been tested successfully in the laboratory.


Hill-Climbing Algorithm, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Photovoltaic Solar System.
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  • Simulation and Experimental Validation of Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar Photovoltaic Plant

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Megha Khatri
School of Engineering and Technology, Ansal University, Gurgaon 122 003, India
Atul Kumar
School of Engineering and Technology, Ansal University, Gurgaon 122 003, India


Variation of solar irradiances plays an important role in changing the parameters of a photovoltaic (PV) module. This communication includes a mathematical model, system design, control algorithm and experimental set-up to obtain the maximum power point on P–V and I–V curves of an array. Discussions have been done on all the units of the system and a simulation model developed in MATLAB software using the proposed method. The resultant system is capable of tracking maximum power point without steady-state oscillations and errors in changing environmental conditions. The feasibility and improved functionality of the proposed system have been tested successfully in the laboratory.


Hill-Climbing Algorithm, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Photovoltaic Solar System.
