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The Science behind Archaeological Signatures from Space

1 Indian Space Research Organization Headquarters, Bengaluru 560 231, India
2 National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, India

Archaeology has traditionally focused on studying historic or prehistoric people and their cultures by analysis of their artefacts, inscriptions, monuments and other such material remains, especially those that have been documented from excavations. This focus is somewhat narrow, because it excludes many new methods that have emerged in the last few decades (described in detail by Prabhakar and Korisettar in this special section (page 1873)). One such novel method is to study large imprints on the landscape caused by human activity. These tell-tale features include soil marks, crop marks, drainage patterns, field boundaries and a host of man-made structures, whose study can provide additional cultural insights. In some cases, these features are difficult to detect by the naked eye at ground level, but are detectable by remote sensing techniques from aerial/space-based platforms in a non-destructive manner. For these reasons, it is now well recognized that examining archaeological landscapes using remote sensing can complement traditional investigations. An analysis of remote sensing data can play an important role in (1) understanding spatial relationships between cultural materials and activities, (2) formulating archaeological sampling schemes, (3) measuring distances and spatial distributions of structures and monuments, and (4) evolving schemes for their conservation.


Archaeology, Image Interpretation, Remote Sensing, Signatures.
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  • The Science behind Archaeological Signatures from Space

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Ranganath Navalgund
Indian Space Research Organization Headquarters, Bengaluru 560 231, India
M. B. Rajani
National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, India


Archaeology has traditionally focused on studying historic or prehistoric people and their cultures by analysis of their artefacts, inscriptions, monuments and other such material remains, especially those that have been documented from excavations. This focus is somewhat narrow, because it excludes many new methods that have emerged in the last few decades (described in detail by Prabhakar and Korisettar in this special section (page 1873)). One such novel method is to study large imprints on the landscape caused by human activity. These tell-tale features include soil marks, crop marks, drainage patterns, field boundaries and a host of man-made structures, whose study can provide additional cultural insights. In some cases, these features are difficult to detect by the naked eye at ground level, but are detectable by remote sensing techniques from aerial/space-based platforms in a non-destructive manner. For these reasons, it is now well recognized that examining archaeological landscapes using remote sensing can complement traditional investigations. An analysis of remote sensing data can play an important role in (1) understanding spatial relationships between cultural materials and activities, (2) formulating archaeological sampling schemes, (3) measuring distances and spatial distributions of structures and monuments, and (4) evolving schemes for their conservation.


Archaeology, Image Interpretation, Remote Sensing, Signatures.
