The Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) designed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is an autonomous regional satellite navigation system for providing accurate real-time positioning and timing services to India up to 1500 km from its boundary. The NavIC system exploits L5- and S-band for its navigation. The performance of these bands may be interfered by other bands or out-of-band communication systems, which can be the main threat to the performance of the NavIC receiver. This article focuses on real-time out-of-band interference of Wi-Fi signals in the S-band of the NavIC receiver. The performance analysis is carried out with respect to power spectral density, histograms, execution of acquisition stage and parameters of hypothesis testing method like P-value, confidence interval to identify the presence of interference on the NavIC receiver. All these results show that the Wi-Fi signal transmission represents a potential source of interference for NavIC applications and causes severe degradation on NavIC satellite signals.
Power Spectral Density, Radio Frequency Interference, Satellite Navigation System, Wi-Fi Signals.
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