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Crop productivity and suitability evaluation form a prerequisite for land use planning. Soil properties and agro-climatic conditions further influence crop performance. This communication examines crop productivity and suitability in view of agro-ecological conditions and soil properties. Time series data of major crops were gathered from secondary sources and their mean value was obtained. Further, district-wise crop productivity of major crops was analysed and suitability criteria evaluated. We observed that crop productivity is low in the mountainous mainland compared to plain districts. However productivity also varies from crop to crop. Our study further revealed that the highlands are suitable for growing potato, small millets, pulses and temperate fruits whereas the valley regions are suitable for growing citrus fruits, paddy, wheat and spices. Tarai and Doon plains are suitable for growing sugarcane, paddy and wheat.


Arable Land, Productivity, Suitability Analysis, Uttarakhand Himalaya.
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