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Fourth-Generation Refrigerant:HFO 1234yf

1 Material Science Division, Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, Delhi 110 007, India

Refrigeration is a process to transfer heat from the objects for cooling and freezing for maintaining the temperature of surroundings for preservation purposes and comfort. Refrigerants are the materials to use in air-conditioning and refrigeration system. This article describes the developments and history of the first-, second-, third- and fourth-generation refrigerants. Moreover, the focus is on a fourth-generation refrigerant, viz. HFO-1234yf having zero ozone depletion potential and very low global warming potential. Synthesis procedure, chemistry, applications and consumption norms of HFO-1234yf are explained.


Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, Fourth-Generation Refrigerants, Global Warming Potential, Ozone Depleting Potential.
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  • Fourth-Generation Refrigerant:HFO 1234yf

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Pinklesh Arora
Material Science Division, Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, Delhi 110 007, India
Geetha Seshadri
Material Science Division, Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, Delhi 110 007, India
Ajay Kumar Tyagi
Material Science Division, Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Road, Delhi 110 007, India


Refrigeration is a process to transfer heat from the objects for cooling and freezing for maintaining the temperature of surroundings for preservation purposes and comfort. Refrigerants are the materials to use in air-conditioning and refrigeration system. This article describes the developments and history of the first-, second-, third- and fourth-generation refrigerants. Moreover, the focus is on a fourth-generation refrigerant, viz. HFO-1234yf having zero ozone depletion potential and very low global warming potential. Synthesis procedure, chemistry, applications and consumption norms of HFO-1234yf are explained.


Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, Fourth-Generation Refrigerants, Global Warming Potential, Ozone Depleting Potential.
