Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen in Relation to Cropping Systems in Central Himalaya, India
In this study, the impact of cropping systems on physicochemical properties of soil and microbial biomass was evaluated. Soil was collected from four cultivated fields (cropland, crop + single tree species, crop + multiple tree species and homegardens) and one uncultivated (agriculturally discarded) field and analysed. The outcome of the present study indicated that cultivated land squandered about 14% C and 5% N in 8 years of cultivation to the nearby uncultivated land. Soil microbial biomass of cultivated land with multiple tree species (C + mT) was greater than other systems and showed an appreciable seasonal variation. The microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) assorted from 166 to 266 μg g–1 and microbial biomass nitrogen (Nmic) from 11 to 41 μg g–1. Cmic contributed 1.25–1.90% of soil C and Nmic 0.83– 3.77% of soil N. Among cultivated land, maximum Cmic and Nmic were reported in C + mT system which suggested that tree plantation in cultivated land has significant positive effects on microbial biomass and other soil properties by shifting natural soil properties under the similar environmental circumstances.
Cropping Systems, Microbial Biomass, Microbial Activity, Tree Plantation.
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