There are two types of processes involved while making a decision: a controlled process, which is rational, with introspective access and an automatic one, which is called experiential or decision by expertise. Both processes depend on the use of information and are influenced by social affective factors. The present study aims to identify the differences between decision behaviour adopted by managers in Brazil and Romania, when making decisions related to budget level estimation. The study is quantitative and the data were collected via a ten-point scale questionnaire on Brazilian and Romanian samples comprised of MBA students. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling estimated by means of the PLS methodology. Our results show that information search and social-affective factors influence both rational decision and decision by expertise in Brazil and Romania, however, in distinct degrees. Distinctions could arise based on cultural differences between Brazilian and Romanian decision-makers.
Decision-Making, Cognitive Models, Neuro-Accounting, Management Accounting.
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