Quality of Ph D Degree Holders in India
The editorial by Dalal1 ‘on the quality of Ph D students in India’ is thought-provoking. I fully agree that students mostly rely on rote learning rather than problemsolving. They get readymade notes and depend on the internet for solving problems. This system has contributed students who have not learnt to think for themselves, which is a problem if you want to take up a research career. We need to change our system of instruction, which needs to be thought-provoking. For example, each student in the beginning is taught ‘A for apple’, so thinking is restricted to apple alone. However, if an option is given to the students to write 10 names beginning with A, they will be forced to explore other options and apply their minds. The effort needs to begin with teaching the teachers, way starting from the primary-school level to ensure that we provide the coming generations with the best possible education.
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