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Introgression of Semi-Dwarf Gene in Kalanamak Rice using Marker-Assisted Selection Breeding

1 Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India

Kalanamak is an important aromatic rice variety in India. Tall stature of Kalanamak causes lodging due to which its yield and other characters severely declines. Introgression of the semi-dwarfing gene (sd1) from CSR10 was performed with the help of markerassisted breeding. Backcross-derived plants were characterized for semi-dwarf nature. Improved Kalanamak lines were analysed for the sd1 gene and to check the presence of aroma, sensory analysis test and amplification with betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (badh 2) derived primer was performed. Improved versions of Kalanamak rice lines were either on par or superior in terms of yield, grain type and cooking quality with reduced height implicating the potentiality of marker-assisted backcross breeding for improvement of this rice variety.


Aromatic Rice, Grain Quality, Lodging Resistance, Semi-Dwarf Gene.
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  • Introgression of Semi-Dwarf Gene in Kalanamak Rice using Marker-Assisted Selection Breeding

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Deepti Srivastava
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Md Shamim
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Anurag Mishra
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Prashant Yadav
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Deepak Kumar
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Pramila Pandey
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Nawaz A. Khan
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India
Kapildeo N. Singh
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya 224 229, India


Kalanamak is an important aromatic rice variety in India. Tall stature of Kalanamak causes lodging due to which its yield and other characters severely declines. Introgression of the semi-dwarfing gene (sd1) from CSR10 was performed with the help of markerassisted breeding. Backcross-derived plants were characterized for semi-dwarf nature. Improved Kalanamak lines were analysed for the sd1 gene and to check the presence of aroma, sensory analysis test and amplification with betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (badh 2) derived primer was performed. Improved versions of Kalanamak rice lines were either on par or superior in terms of yield, grain type and cooking quality with reduced height implicating the potentiality of marker-assisted backcross breeding for improvement of this rice variety.


Aromatic Rice, Grain Quality, Lodging Resistance, Semi-Dwarf Gene.
